This year's magnificent pile of parcels waiting to impress, at the special service at Barsham Church.
From L to R: Lion Chris Eglington, Lions Welfare Chairman - Sharon Page, Lion President - Sandy Barr, Barsham Organiser Margaret Harris, Lion Glyn Page, Rev'd John Fellows .
Members of the Congregation of Barsham Church have for many years supported the Mustard Seed Relief Mission in their yearly appeal for shoe boxes filled with suitable gifts for children in Eastern Europe, who would otherwise be without any presents at all on Christmas Day.
Once again, members of the Beccles & District Lions Club and the Beccles "Red Hats" ladies group have given their support in creating and donating filled shoe boxes and these, along with a cheque from the Lions Club for £250 to help towards carriage and costs of shipping were presented to the Church prior to a Dedication Service on 24th October.
These much appreciated gestures of goodwill - or “Love Boxes” as they are generally called, which are delivered by road directly to the recipients always elicit a superb response from the individuals within both Beccles & District Lions Club and the 'Red Hats' group and at this year’s dedication service, it was revealed that the total donations - even during these difficult times were a magnificent 85 - with Lions Members contributing some 16 boxes, and the Red Hats an amazing 21 with Barsham’s congregation making up the rest.
Lion President Chris Sandy Barr commented - “Another fantastic result for 2021 - and our Members' personal contributions come on top of the £250 which the Lions were pleased to donate towards the carriage costs - both from Barsham to Mustard Seed’s depot and then by road container across Europe.
If you think that you would like to contribute “a little love” in a future year - for more details see or locally contact 01502 714558.