Beccles Lions Founder Member honoured in Club’s 50th year
In 1917 a Chicago business leader Melvin Jones asked a simple and world-changing question – what if people made a commitment to improving their communities. 100 years later, Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organisation, with more than 1.4 million members, with over 46,000 clubs worldwide.
Founded in 1969 Beccles and District Lions Club is one of the 46,000 clubs which today make up Lions Clubs International and the Melvin Jones Fellowship - named after the Chicago businessman who created the first club in 1917, is the most prestigious award given to an individual Lion member.
It was therefore fitting that in the Beccles Lions Club’s 50th year one of its founder members - Lion Norman Garrod, should be presented with the Melvin Jones Fellowship by Club President - Lion Chris Lambert.
The ceremony was held at the Broadlands Residential Care Home, in Oulton Broad, where Lion Norman - now 92, is a resident. Members of Beccles Lions Club, along with Norman’s nieces and other family members attended the presentation to offer their congratulations.
Lion President, Chris Lambert said “It is a great honour to present this award to Lion Norman, in recognition of all the time and dedicated service he has given to the Beccles and District Lions Club as well as to the people of Beccles - serving for over 40 years as our Club Treasurer. People join the Lions in order to help others within their local community and Lion Norman has certainly done that.”
A delighted Lion Norman added “What a surprise this is I’m so overwhelmed and honouredto receive the Melvin Jones Fellowship. I have never regretted the day we started Beccles Lions Club and to think from a small conversation 50 years ago the people of Beccles are still supporting the Club. Over the years people’s time has become more precious and yet new members willingly join Lions and continue with the good work that all Lions Clubs do within their local community as well as around the world - helping others where they can and when it is needed. In addition I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I and the other founder Members made - to start Beccles Lions Club. I have met some wonderful people and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my time being involved with the Lions. The thrill of helping others cannot be expressed in words, you have to experience it to truly understand the feeling of joy you get and joining the Lions gave me that.”
Lion President Chris thanked the Manager of Broadlands Residential Care Home, along with the staff and residents for allowing and assisting with the presentation, plus providing some refreshments.
Photo by Charlotte James Photography - Lion Norman Garrod seated with his nieces either side of him and members of Beccles and District Lions Club standing behind
If you wish to know more about the Beccles Lions and the work they do please contact the club secretary Gill Whitehead on 07879 690135. Equally if you are interested in becoming a member of Beccles Lions then please telephone our Membership Chairman Malcolm Bardsley on 01986 788788.